Sunday, June 27, 2010

Summer Splashing

Ahhh... summer... so glad you're here! We have taken advantage of a few *hot* days to get out and get wet! We finally broke out the slip 'n slide that Tom just HAD to register for as a wedding gift. Logan... not so much a fan... we spent most of the evening sidelined cheering on Lilly and Daddy! A few wipe outs, but no major injuries occurred. We had lots of laughs!

Thursday Tom surprised us by leaving work early and planning a trip to the pool! You can imagine Lilly's excitement to find out the pool was open... I (admittedly) tell her it's closed every time we drive by so I don't have to listen to her whine about wanting to go... bad parenting I know! My little water baby... we practically had to drag her out as the pool as it was closing! She even considered braving the water slide once, but chickened out when she found out she had to climb the stairs... maybe next time :) Thanks for the surprise honey!

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