Friday, June 25, 2010

Let them have cake... and 4 party hats!

Lilly turned 3 on a Friday... and even though I had requested it off to spend it with my BIG girl... the new implementation of 3 days weekends put a big wrench in our plans. (Such is the life as a nurse) To celebrate we wanted to do something special for Lilly... even if we couldn't make a trip to the underwater world. Everyday we asked what she wanted for her birthday... and the answer was always the same... "cake and 4 party hats"! Ah, the simplicity and stricking innocents of a 3 year old... love it! When Lilly awoke Friday morning we had a tea party set up just for her... complete with cupcakes and 4 party hats! Such a sweet blessing to be able to spend the day with my kids! And as an added birthday bonus, I was placed on call for work and we were able to spend the afternoon in the park as a family!

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