Thursday, July 1, 2010

The start of wedding season

With Tom out of town for a bachelor party, I was left to fend for myself at the start of wedding season! Now, normally I wouldn't complain. Free beer, good music, great company... but I had two small children in tow... and I wasn't quite sure how they would do. As it turns out Lilly LOVES weddings! She danced every song (minus the father/daughter dance where we had to drag her off the floor and bribe her with a sip of sprite... not my finest parenting moment... but I did what worked at the time). A true social butterfly she made friends instantly... it was so much fun to watch! Speaking of watch... Pa never took his eyes of her... especially when she was slow dancing with her "boyfriend". I guess having three daughters makes you attentive to those kinds of things... I should've known he'd be equally as protective of his granddaughter! Bring on wedding season... the Hooper kids are ready! Congrats to Katie and Cory... we had a wonderful time at your wedding!

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